Indicative images of proposals
Aerial view of the site
The Lynton Road development will provide new, high-quality and family-sized homes for Crouch End. This includes new affordable homes, helping to tackle Haringey’s affordable housing shortage.
The scheme will also contribute to the local economy by providing up to 6,000 sqft of flexible community and commerical space, providing for a range of potential employment opportunities and space for local businesses or initiatives.
The design approach will help to improve public space in the local area, providing children’s play space, new trees alongside existing ones and a wildflower meadow.
The proposals are designed with sufficient transport and access provision, including bicycle storage, a car park and EV charging points, with wheelchair and mobility scooter spaces. There will be a separate bicycle store space for the office space, encouraging cycling among both residents and workers.
Consideration has been given to the servicing of the buildings, with proposals for refuse collection and parcel delivery to reduce pressure on the local roads and car parks.
Sustainability and energy efficiency will be pursued to a high standard in both the design of the proposals and construction. Features will include solar panels, air source heat pumps and natural ventilation, with old brick recovered and re-used in the construction process, reducing the overall carbon cost of the development.